I got a Frecnch bulldog, yep! Not only did I name him Thor but I also convinced my friend to get a pup and call it Loki! (she has a pug)
Thor has a instagram account, its does better than mine lol! in fact its way more intresting than mine too!
https://www.instagram.com/thor.godoffrenchies/?hl=en You guys totally need to look him up! Thor.godoffrenchies. You can see all the phone type photos and videos on there.
Hope that link works.
So this is how this story went down. One day a bride (https://www.kristyjransonphotography.co.uk/slaley-hall-wedding/) had some puppies, well not her, her dog did. She asks me to visit to take some photos. I took my other half and well, I ended up leaving with a puppy! (I swear this is why I have 5 kids too, all those newborn shoots making me broody)
Thor is now 10mths old and doing well in the house. he keeps pinning poor Mavis down (10 week old kitten that came from another brides daughter, dont ask)
Thor has become the little poser. He photo bombs shoots a lot! he knows when his photo is getting taken and poses. If he can’t be bothered he farts! Yes thats right farts, its enough to make you sick so you walk away!

Then came the time we got to bring him home.

As Thor grew he became more of a farting machine! but we didn’t care, we love him.


French Bulldogs as a breed.
I’ll admit i’m a big dog person, I choose Leo, I wanted a nice doberman. But thinking about it, thinking about our family, we choose the right breed for us. The kids can bash him about playing and he doesn’t care, hes confitdent, happy, but also not very bright. Hes been a very hard dog to train! Hes a unit who thinks hes a big dog!