Newborn photo shoot
A Newborn photo shoot in the comfort of your own home.
This little girl was only 3 weeks old at the time of her photo shoot, I visited mam and dad at home and we set to work to take some of the most treasured and natural photographs they’ll have of that precious time as a newborn baby, a newborn photo shoot was a perfect choice for them.
Those 1st few weeks fly by so quickly and you soon forget how small they were, having something like this reminds you of that time. I’ll not be the 1st to tell you how you’ll miss those moments as they grow, as you put away the newborn clothes, as they wean from the breast and then start school. Not only does your heart pang, your womb jump, but you realise then, how important these photographs are and having a newborn photo shoot to remember them is a must.
Link to prices:

Getting prepared for our shoot.

Cuddles from daddy before we start, it’s always best to be calm, fed and settled. Of course babies are small humans and things always don’t go the way we think. It’s always best to go with the flow and follow your babies lead.

Love this set of images, the interaction with father and daughter is magical

Father and daughter moment, capturing the natural part of fatherhood.

Only 3 weeks after the birth and mother Dora was looking amazing, so well together.

This is what I think of you Kristy

Natural light lends to the most amazing classic and timeless photographs, to treasure for years to come.

Not at all sleepy yes but loving cuddles from dad.

Sticking tongue out at daddy.

A proud father who has almost got his stunning little girl to sleep.

Them tiny fingers and tiny toes.

A realistic part of parenthood.

cuddles from both parents, natural and beautiful

Tea from mam.
for BF mum’s… A good help was from le latch league when I was breast feeding, in case anyone would like the link 🙂
Having a Newborn Photo-shoots done is one of life’s great must’s. I missed out on having my children’s photographs done as at the time, no one visited your house and I was super tired. it’s something I didn’t want any other parent to face. So I’ve created a package that suits a real life new mam or dad, a home visit shoot.
A home photo-shoot with your newborn baby can be more relaxing and natural than a studio for both you and your baby.
Home shoots last around 2 hours and we sit and chat, you feed and change, cuddle and kiss and just be who you are, where you are in the most natural space you can be, your home. We can then set up a few studio style images without any pressure to yourself or your baby. In the end you will get a lovely set of images and a choice of a photo book to remember your tiny newborn by.
£150 for shoot with images on USB
£210 for photo book and images on USB